Current topics I’m working on
Joy and Political Presence in Visual Media
Grief and Alternate Realities in Le Pays de Nulle part
BD et la vulgarisation in Mémoires de Viet Kieu
Social Media and Media Literacy in C’est quoi un terroriste? and Fake News
Arranged Married in Mémoires de Viet Kieu: Les Mariées de Taïwan
Digital project: Graphic Novels
Book Chapters
Dwelling in the memory palace: cultural identity, counter-memory and storytelling in Anna Moï’s Douze palais de mémoire.” Dwelling: Cultural Representations of Inhabited Spaces, edited by Naomi Segal and Orsolya Petőcz, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp. 225-237
“Sans hommes, on n’est pas rien”: Defying Patriarchy and Reclaiming Voices in Les Rivières.” Vernacular: New Connections in Language, Literature, & Culture, vol. 9, no. 1, 2024, article 4,
“Navigating Identity and Redefining Frenchness in 21st Century Franco-Vietnamese Literary Production.” TROPOS Journal: Interdisciplinary Approaches in the Romance Languages, Literatures and Cultures, vol. 42, Fall 2024, no. 1, pp. 83-103,